South Africa, Northern Cape, Namaqualand

List of closest place (town/ city/ area) where caravan and camping sites are listed

Alexander Bay Springbok Vioolsdrift

Please Note: Contact an establishment directly to make a booking.

Alexander Bay
Ai-Ai Richtersveld Transfrontier Park

GPS Co-ordinates: E16 53.506 S28 24.843
Tel: +27 (0)27 831 1506 / +27 (0)12 428 9111

Rugged kloofs, high mountains and dramatic landscapes divulge the fact that you are now in the vast mountain desert. There are wilderness camps with chalets, Tattasberg, and Gannakourib fully equipped). Camping sites on the banks of the Orange River. Tourists must supply own water, food supplies, tent and outdoor equipment, with tents only as the Richtersveld terrain is not suitable for caravans. The new tourist access facility, as Sendingsdrift (pont crossing RSA to Namibia) is now open. Bird watching, almost 200 species in the park. We have various outdoor activities. braai facilities, water point near sites, scullery and a shop.

Location: 4.2 km outside of Springbok next to the N7 to/from Namibia
GPS Co-ordinates: S 29 42.746 E 017 53.261
Tel: +27 (0)27 712 2685
Fax: +27 (0)27 712 2017

Kokerboom Caravan Park has 60 sites with power points, laundry facilies and clean and ample ablution facilities. Motel rooms also available.

Vioolsdrift [Back to Top]
Aquacade Camp
Location: Plot 25 Kotzeshoop, 10km from the cross border to Namibia on the N7
GPS Co-ordinates: E17 35.261 S28 41.450
Tel: +27 (0)27 761 8777
Fax: +27 (0)86 578 4073
Cell: +27 (0)84 291 8833

Enjoy our hospitality on your way to Namibia or Richtersveld. Caravan and camping sites are private and on grass with electricity. Self catering chalets also available. 1-5 Day river rafting trips available, swimming pool, bush bar, fishing and birding safaris. Situated in a peaceful and safe environment.

Date of entry: 1 September 1996
Last update:2013/02/19 at 18:11:49