South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Midlands & Pietermaritzburg

List of closest place (town/ city/ area) where caravan and camping sites are listed

Greytown Harburg Howick

Please Note: Contact an establishment directly to make a booking.

Greytown [Back to Top]
Lake Merthley Caravan Park

Tel: +27 (0)33 413 1171
Eagle View Caravan Park

Tel: +27 (0)82 806 4034 (Dieter)
Cell: +27 (0)82 579 3893 (Ron)

Enjoy peace an quiet in natural surroundings situated at Harburg in KZN, on the edge of the Valley of 1000 Hills. Hiking, cycling, bird watching or swimming available for the more energetic. Modern ablutions, hot water showers and scullery. Electricity on site.

Midmar Dam Nature Reserve

GPS Co-ordinates: E30 11.640 S29 29.341
Tel: + 27 (0)33 330 2067
Fax: +27 (0)33 330 5868
e-mail: via website

Midmar offers comfortable camping and caravaning accommodation. We have a wide variety of sporting activities including: water sport, cycling, walking, game viewing, angling or relaxing at your picnic site. Chalets are also available.

Albert Falls Nature Reserve

Tel: + 27 (0)33 659 1203

Number of sites: 20. Caravan & tent sites; hot & cold water/electric lights/power points.

Cliffys Caravan Park

Tel: +27 (0)33 396 6710
La' Bri
Location: 1 Durban Road
Tel: + 27 (0)33 345 2970
Fax: +27 (0)33 345 1583

The Skaba Bush Camp situated 4kms from The L'Abri Lodge, this facility is a popular venue for groups that need the adventure of a 'bush experience'. This facility offers rustic bush sleeping cabins, open air and covered kitchens, pit toilets, bucket showers and many forest and river trails

Msunduzi Caravan Park
Location: 50 Cleland Road
Tel: +27 (0)33 386 5342
Fax: +27 (0)33 346 2662/346 2326
Cell: +27 (0)82 255 2289

Number of sites: 80. Caravan & tent sites; electrical connection; hot & cold water/electric lights/power points; laundry.

Pietermaritzburg [Back to Top]
Peatties Lakeside Resort

Tel: + 27 (0)33 569 0536

Number of sites: 20. Caravan & tent sites; electrical connection; hot & cold water/electric lights/power points; laundry.

Date of entry: 1 September 1996
Last update:2013/02/19 at 18:11:48