South Africa, Gauteng, Eastern Region
List of closest place (town/ city/ area) where caravan and camping sites are listed
Please Note: Contact an establishment directly to make a booking.
Adventure Caravan Park
Location: 119 Madeley Road, Boksburg.
Tel: + 27 (0)11 826 1074
Fax: + 27 (0)11 826 1074
Small caravan park offering 3 ablution blocks and 26 sites for caravans only.
Murray Park Caravan Park
Tel: + 27 (0)11 816 1104
Number of sites: 500. Caravan & tent sites; electrical connection; hot & cold water/electric lights/power points; laundry; shop.
Date of entry: 1 September 1996
Last update:2013/02/19 at 18:11:51