Trails: Transgariep, Free State, South Africa

List of towns where trails are listed

Bethulie Fauresmith Rouxville
Smithfield Zastron

Closest Town: Bethulie
Trail Type: Hiking trail
Closest Town: Bethulie

Description: 28km/1 to 3 day; easy; various routes; own tents; 30 persons max
Enquiries: Tussen-die-Riviere Game Farm
Tel: + 27 (0)51762 2803
Closest Town: Fauresmith
Trail Type: Hiking trail
Closest Town: Fauresmith

Description: 27km/2 day; circular; easy to average; overnight hut; 30 persons max
Enquiries: Fauresmith Municipality
Tel: + 27 (0)53 208 0023
Closest Town: Rouxville
Jan Smuts Nature Trail
Trail Type: Day loops; central hut
Closest Town: Rouxville

Description: 6km, 22km and 31km day routes; circle routes. Start and finish at a restoured 1867 farm house which is fully equipped. Comments: 25km south of Rouxville, rough topography with the Orange river running through the area in a deep canyon, indigenous forest, cliffs covered in aloes, beautiful views
Comments: 25km south of Rouxville, rough topography with the Orange river running through the area in a deep canyon, indigenous forest, cliffs covered in aloes, beautiful views
Enquiries: Johan or Miempie Stroebel
Tel: + 27 (0)51 572 3303 or 2620
Closest Town: Rouxville
Jan Smuts Nature Trail
Trail Type: Horse trail
Closest Town: Rouxville

Description: 6km, 22km and 31km day routes; circle routes. Start and finish at a restoured 1867 farm house which is fully equipped. 25km south of Rouxville, rough topography with the Orange river running through the area in a deep canyon, indigenous forest, cliffs covered in aloes, beautiful views.
Comments: 25km south of Rouxville, rough topography with the Orange river running through the area in a deep canyon, indigenous forest, cliffs covered in aloes, beautiful views
Enquiries: Johan or Miempie Stroebel
Tel: + 27 (0)51 572 3303 or 2620
Closest Town: Smithfield
Trail Type: Day walk
Closest Town: Smithfield

Description: 24km/2 day; average; in Caledon Conservancy; guest house; base hut; figure of 8 (same overnight hut); 4 min - 24 persons max
Enquiries: Jan le Roux Pieterse
Tel: + 27 (0)5562 2104
Fax: + 27 (0)51 683 1102
Closest Town: Zastron
Trail Type: Hiking trail
Closest Town: Zastron [Back to Top]

Description: 36km/2 day; difficult; for the experienced; circular; overnight hut; 12 persons max;
Enquiries: Maluti Hotel
Tel: + 27 (0)51 673 1657
Closest Town: Zastron
Trail Type: Day walk
Closest Town: Zastron

Description: Various options on horseback; overnight accommodation; 12 persons max
Enquiries: Jacana
Tel: 0861 522262
Fax: + 27 (0)12 734 0159
Closest Town: Zastron
Trail Type: Horse trail
Closest Town: Zastron

Description: Various options on horseback; overnight accommodation; 12 persons max;
Enquiries: Jacana
Tel: 0861 522262
Fax: + 27 (0)12 734 0159
Use our Index of Towns to look for trails by town

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Date of entry: 1 September 1996
Last update:2012/09/22 at 10:37:22