Web Design | Web Hosting | Web Maintenance | Websites | Web Exposure | Search Engine Submission |Web Sites Linx Africa


ITEM PRICE (VAT inclusive)
Domain name registration .co.za R 100.00
Domain set-up R 250.00
  R 350.00
Domain name registration .com R 200.00
Domain set-up R 250.00
  R 450.00
Monthly mailbox hosting R 75.00
Logo design - from R 2,500.00
Letterhead - from R 500.00
Business card - from R 500.00
Flyers - from R 550.00
ONE PAGE WEBSITE (Hosting R100.00 per month)
Website Skin R 725.00
Style Sheet R 400.00
Home page with 4 photos R 400.00
Std Enquiry form R 200.00
Upload & Testing R 150.00
Search Engines R 375.00
  R 2,250.00
Domain name (.co.za) R 350.00
  R 2,600.00
FIVE PAGE WEBSITE (Hosting R150.00 per month)
Website Skin R 1,250.00
Style Sheet R 725.00
Home page R 400.00
Four Sub pages R 1,000.00
Std Enquiry form R 200.00
Upload & Testing R 200.00
Search Engines R 375.00
[15 photos included] R 4,150.00
Domain name (.co.za) R 350.00
  R 4,500.00
Additional pages R 250.00
Additional photos R 40.00
Detailed forms - from R 400.00
News platform R 1,950.00
Discussion forum R 1,950.00
Interactive maps - from R 2,000.00
Form plus flatfile - from R 1,950.00
Form plus database - from R 2,500.00
E-Commerce - from R 6,000.00
Copy writing / folio - from R 750.00
Java Scripts - from R 300.00
Sound & Animation - from R 1,500.00
Pictorial directory per entry (photo, description, contact) R 65.00
Pop-up photos from thumbnails each R 65.00
Photo gallery 9 photos R 750.00
Copy of home page on Linx R 800.00
Please note:
1. 50% deposit is payable to Linx Africa, bank details will be supplied with the processing pt of your order.
2. Your material for publication is to be supplied to the Linx Africa per email or mail in electronic format.
3. We will contact you, upon receipt of your payment & material, to confirm the date of publication and to discuss the layout and design of the pages. You are welcome to visit our Head Office in Pretoria. Consultation time of about 1 hour is included.
4. The balance is payable on completion of your web site. Hosting fees are payable monthly, quarterly or yearly in advance.
5. Linx Africa assures you of our best attention at all times, we however do not guarantee top exposure or instant results. Whilst the Internet serves as an excellent marketing tool, it should not be regarded as your only marketing medium. Regular communication with us will also ensure maximum benefit.

Click here to place your order.