South Africa, Free State, Goldfields Region

List of closest place (town/ city/ area) where caravan and camping sites are listed

Hoopstad Welkom

Please Note: Contact an establishment directly to make a booking.

Sandveld Nature Reserve
Location: On the banks of the Bloemhof Dam, on the Free State side of the Dam. 30 km north of Hoopstad, on the R34 Hoodpstad - Bloemhof Road.
Tel: + 27 (0)53 433 1702/ 1
Fax: + 27 (0)053 433 1090

170 Caravan & tent sites; electrical connection; hot & cold water/electric lights/power points; shop; tariffs on application

De Rust Nature Reserve

Tel: +27 (0)57 354 2497
Fax: +27 (0)57 354 2300

The De Rust Nature reserve has standing place for 30 Caravans and Tents each with its own electrical point with a beautiful view of a waterhole where at sunset and dawn you might see the animals coming down for a drink.

Date of entry: 1 September 1996
Last update:2013/02/19 at 18:11:49